segunda-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2016

Dystopian Scene

Dystopian Scene

bodies, plenty of them
fitting each other without
speaking in rhythm patterns
feet, hands, fingers
building a flow of structure, a tempo within
time, becoming one
aggregated body, an orchestra
beating to one heart's song, one love
vessel performing a masterful path
on harmony
and then
the sound of glass
the air, deepening right into
one's blood cells
ubiquitous organs
indeterminable time.

© 2016, José Eduardo Coelho

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2016

Invite to inComprehension

Invite to inComprehension

I'm not famous, never
liked to be but
I can say that I urinated with the great
Mário Viegas
Inclusively, I've met the sound of his

My childhood collapsed with
titanic fears - scathing things
changing anatomies and perceptions, traffic
accidents, bloody bodies, running empty
the rumor of violated houses, gray interiors
muddy waters sullying the placid color of

one day I decided to set everything
on fire, which was like
forgetting content, matter, will
and recovering my own
identity: I stripped
off others, their baggage and their
until I felt me

I then got back holding me to a
normal life, like
read, work, date and of course
collect stamps and addresses -
coming from the four corners
of the world -
It must have been around that time
I started looking at
stuff I
dwelt with; a
chair became particularly
dear to me: I studied it, drew it and
when I received guests
it was on it they sat

I'm not famous, never
have I identified with social pleasures, however
I can brag of having been with the actor
Mário Viegas
Inclusively, I've met the boasting of his

© 2016, José Eduardo Coelho

sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2016

Convite à inCompreensão

Convite à inCompreensão

Não sou famoso, nunca
gostei de o ser mas
posso dizer que urinei com o grande
Mário Viegas
Inclusive, conheci o som do seu

A minha infância ruíu com
medos titânicos – coisas contundentes
alterando anatomias e percepções, acidentes
de viação, corpos em sangue, esvaindo-se
o rumor de casas devassadas, de interiores cinza e
águas barrentas a conspurcar a cor plácida dos

Um dia resolvi deitar fogo
a tudo, que foi como
esquecer conteúdos, matérias, vontades
e recuperar a minha identidade
original: despi-me
dos outros, das suas bagagens, das suas
até sentir-me

Voltei então a segurar-me numa
vida normal, tipo
ler, trabalhar, namorar e claro
colecionar selos e moradas -
que vinham dos quatro cantos
do mundo -
terá sido por essa altura que
comecei a olhar para as
com que habitava; uma
cadeira foi-me particularmente
querida: estudei-a, desenhei-a e
quando recebia visitas
era nela que se sentavam

Não sou famoso, nunca
me revi nos prazeres dos sociais, porém
posso gabar-me de ter privado com o actor
Mário Viegas
Inclusive, conheci a jactância das suas

© 2016, José Eduardo Coelho

quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2016

Uno Lingvo Neniam Sufiĉas

*Uno Lingvo Neniam Sufiĉas*

Já que não podia
Puesto que no lograba
Comme il ne pouvait plus
Since he couldn't
Aangezien hij haar niet kon

call her

escreveu o seu nome
escribió su nombre
il a écrit son nom
he wrote her name
schreef hij haar naam

até deixar de
hasta dejar de
jusqu'il a cessé de
until he stopped
tot hij niet meer kon


então ela tornou-se parte
entonces ella se volvió parte
alors elle est devenue partie
then she became part
toen werd zij deel

de si.
de si.
de lui.
of him.
van hem.

© 2016, José Eduardo Coelho

terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2016

Irregular Poem

Irregular Poem

She writes poems
under the full
each, a tear drop rolling
down her cheeks
a landscape moving its borders
claiming for self
coherence in
self sufficiency within
their irregular size
she writes dark
singularities -
not so dark, due to
the moon -
about time and the time
she was a flower
dressed in coral
for whom
the moon fell

that her colors die
in the ground
and her beauty is locked
somewhere it's love
that brings them together
though tears flow
and glitter.

© 2016, José Eduardo Coelho

sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016

Guarda-chuva Azul

Na essência, tudo acabou
hoje. Percebi-o
depois de executadas as tarefas matinais – passear os cães, tomar o pequeno almoço e dar água às plantas. Sentei-me
em frente ao computador
e o vazio era
do tamanho do vale e da montanha
e do céu em guarda-chuva azul, tudo prodigiosamente escancarado do outro lado da janela.
O movimento dos carros, as pessoas, o verde dos campos, à sua distancia
não táctil
trouxeram-me – nem sei
bem porquê - à memória a quinta de brincar da minha infância – cercas, vacas
cavalos, tractores, alfaias. Enquanto eu
definhava, tudo crescia
reguladamente – a estrada, as árvores, os filhos, a casa; menos eu, oco, louco, leve, estreito, cada vez mais
embrenhado em pensamentos
e menos carne. Lembrei-me
nitidamente de metas e projectos que seriam os meus; porém
alheios, sem dono, dissiparam-se e
instalou-se em mim uma certeza de abandono e queda.

Blue Umbrella

In essence, everything ended
today. I realized it
after carrying out the morning tasks – walk the dogs
have breakfast and feed the plants some
water. I sat in front of the computer
and the void was
the size of the valley and of the mountain
and of the blue-umbrella sky, all so
prodigiously wide open
just behind the window.
The movement of cars, the people, fields greenery, at their
brought to me – I really don't
know why – the memory of my childhood make-believe farm –
fences, cows
horses, tractors, implements. While I
fell off, everything grew
neatly – the road, trees, the children, home; besides me
hollow, insane, weightless, tapered, ever more
thrust in thoughts
and less flesh. I recalled
clearly of goals and projects, supposedly mine; although
absent-minded, unowned, became fuzzy and
in me a certainty of desertion and fall got settled.

© 2016, José Eduardo Coelho

quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2016

The Readers

The Readers

Walking into bookshops has been an occasional pastime and surely a sideline diversion each time I get the chance to walk into a city.
Observing people, the way they stand facing shelves, pick books, how they hold them, turn the pages and move between sections, can be as enticing as reading a novel's 1st page.
On one such recent event, however, and while I was reading some randomly selected foreign author, I noticed, this time, the one being scrutinized was me. Without much thinking I did what was expected, kept reading

water swirling among seaweed and rocks
light crashing the horizon, desperate to put
an end to something, he turns his back to the scene
and runs
the streets are narrow, the night is closing her arms
around him neither past nor future
only the dimmed foggy glare of the
night drizzle. Water
washing the streets

swiftly balancing my eyes about, I could see and feel another reader's breath oscillating from my neck to my upper arm, which made me turn and look around as if just checking – female, around forties; and eventually the sound of wristlets jingling against each other got me back into my read

privately you hum
our hands in happiness
a perpetual sense of now
shelters the wake of any
we hug or kiss or both – its intensity
is hard to describe, though
darkness could be of sweet taste and
I'm left with
the touch of your head
mooring in my chest
counting whatever there is
to count – stars, hearts, ribs
fresh passion seeds – and
the sound of warm water flowing
into the sea.

© 2016, José Eduardo Coelho

segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2016



Passou a chuva
regressam a luz e o espaço
desnuda-nos – se por ventura
o quiséssemos
tomaríamos esse bote
à deriva
até à foz de um rio
manso e caudaloso; aí
ergueríamos na crista das ondas
uma ilha-flor de espuma
deserta – cuidando que


The rain is gone
light and space return
baring us – if by chance
we wished to
we would take that boat
till the mouth of a
meek and copious river; there
we should raise on waves' crest
an island-flower
desert – caring for
we should dry

© 2016, José Coelho

sábado, 13 de fevereiro de 2016

There Are Things I Can't

There Are Things I Can't

have I seen one's mind
so deeply trapped within a thin
layer of water
crisp as a wafer – eucharistic, I mean
almost drowning in its
taste of purity – trappist
tears slowly contouring
Satie's Gymnopedies – seldom have I felt
its melodic flavor, touching
my hands, breasts, eyes
with a caress
to me
as the night withers
it self
in its levity
and nothing but fragments -
faces, lips, the moisture of mouths -
I realize the trap
this time
is me

© 2016, José Eduardo Coelho

segunda-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2016

Grandes Certezas

A grande certeza da noite: dispo-me antes de entrar
na cama; gostaria de dizer com sabor a vodka negro ou
outra qualquer bebida forte, mas a verdade é que a lingua
saberá a pasta dentífrica e
não me queixo – também ajuda a adormecer quando
casado com o livro certo.
A vizinha mudou-se e com ela foram as horas e os minutos
nocturnos – os outros não, felizmente!
Lá fora, o frio imobilizou as árvores; com a ajuda de todos
transportámo-las para o interior e acolchoámos
as paredes de musgo, o que deu um ar de
caça e pássaros a esvoaçar
Assim que, em vez de ler, pego numa caçadeira
que guardo debaixo da cama e ponho-me aos tiros
imaginários – não há arma, só dedos que cravam
estrias rasgando a pele seca – e a contar mé més que surgem
surgindo a confirmar o silêncio, que se instala
Qual será a próxima questão? O irromper
do cuco, no relógio

The night's big certainty: I strip off my clothes before getting
into bed; I would love to say with a black vodka flavor or
any other strong drink, though the truth is the tongue
will taste toothpaste and
I'm not complaining – it helps just as well dozing off when
married with the right book.
The neighbor moved away and with her gone are the nightly
hours and minutes – not the others, luckily!
Outside, trees got frozen; with everybody's help
we've moved them inside and padded
the walls with moss, which made it look like
hunting grounds and birds flitting about.
So, in place of reading I grab a shotgun
kept under the bed and open imaginary
fire – there's no weapon, only fingers spiking
striations tearing dry skin apart – counting baa baas which arise
appearing to confirm the silence that settles.
What will the next question be? Cuckoo's outbreak
in the clock

© 2016, José Eduardo Coelho