quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2015

Masumi's Voice

Masumi's Voice

It was a day to forget.
Too tired, I receive a call from a friend
I have long decided to cut on.
Shit! we used to be good, the best among the
best, until he screwed it up
or I, so he says.”

Masumi's no longer mad
at his friend   He just reminds himself
daily, he has to

And now the phone call, so
unexpectedly – unlisted number – coming
ashore with its devilish army of memories
foaming sound and
vision wrapping a marble surface
where head's going to

There was a moment, deeply
sad, when his heart bounced
down the flume. I thought I would

Later, he writes it all down   No
need to forgive   No need
to forget

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

Haiku Imperfeito

Nestes dias o véu
destapava-se e a pele
banhava-se de chuva

~José Coelho, 2015

quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2015

Precocemente Afirmo

Precocemente Afirmo

Acho que a natureza
está mais precoce
as nozes caem
mais cedo, os figos
nos ramos ou nas mãos
de quem os come, as
bolotas, patéticas,
definham desde os idos
de agosto, no chão
à espera
de porcos, cabras, cães;
algumas pessoas apanham-nas
e enchem baldes delas, num rol
de dias putativos; depois,
em casa, tapam os buracos nas paredes
como se de ouvidos se
tratasse e receassem que até
estas mendigariam as suas
Acho que
apesar de não ser, estar, querer
ainda frio,
as azeitonas ensejam por
ser varejadas, sujeitas
ao olhar e vontade do homem,

Será que as oliveiras
também têm internet
livre ou será que
vêem telenovelas antes de irem

© 2015, José E.T.M.Coelho

Translucent Poetry

Translucent Poetry
(or Poetry Beyond Lucidity)

Each day I go past the memory, yours, naked, as in a boat slithering on the good side of the diamond-western waters, they and I, a chorus of voices – body spluttering secrets dripping on our melancholy.

I go past the gentle singing as the morning, auguring warm growing zephyrs, sends me your hair's color and map where I intend to lose myself – made into a nutshell adrift – when I get to meet you.

© 2015, José E.T.M.Coelho

terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2015

Poesia Trans Lúcida

Poesia Trans Lúcida

Cruzo-me todos os dias com a memória tua, nua, como num barco a deslizar nas águas-diamante do bom lado do oeste, elas e eu, um coro de vozes - corpo a balbuciar segredos que pingam na nossa melancolia.

Cruzo-me com o canto dócil e a manhã augurando mornos zéfiros crescentes, envia-me a cor e o mapa dos teus cabelos
onde penso perder-me – feito casca de noz à deriva - quando te conhecer.

© 2015, José E.T.M.Coelho

sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2015

Poetry of Barnacles

Poetry of Barnacles

the end of the journey is strictly
the first step out of an organized path
leading us somewhere – let the new world
begin, then, as I roll down my tongue
into a damp sea-salted cleavage
biting tenderly to grab the marrow
in its tubiform hulk  each pleat
unbelting much of deposit like
untold images - or so it seems -
it strikes my attention the amount of
possible disguised enigmas hiding behind
the structure of this cirriped's
flesh  filtering an array of sensations
it locks me into my early youth
and I see the curling has been bent
consistently over and over
all these years
transforming the knob into a feeble
dormant thing
- unscathed stone -
the same that used to bring me into
a state of plenitude  an odd and claysome
moment occurring at times
by which I came to be each and every
sand grain resting in our universe
with no other needs besides fulfilling
space with presence – one only possible if
singular and plural at once – in such times
I was alone though in my solitude
there was room for the whole – human
and material kind

I realize there is a timeless link
between past and present – the barnacle's leg
has a crispy outward layer slightly
wizened as an old man
in contrast its inside is soft and
juicy flavors remain active
long after swallow occurs
inviting to further
explorations – might

© 2015, José E.T.M.Coelho

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015


hoje morri. depois de um dia vulgar transcorridas as horas de sol e luz debaixo da mundana normalidade abracei a noite e então morri. morri dentro da sombra da lua em mim sem mácula desespero arrependimento apenas estando só e sendo o pouco que soube ser. morri na horizontal do tempo que as horas acumuladas nos vincos de uma memória parda asfixiaram.
talvez a maré da tarde pudesse ter impregnado a atmosfera de sais e a humidade salobra da tua boca velado a instância que me representa adiando o inevitável talvez. talvez o ocre da terra ou o entardecer das oliveiras. e os cogumelos voltariam? a brotar das paredes como no sonho em que tu despertas e eu nem sei se é sonho. e os pintainhos correriam para ti escanifrados através d'aquela porta? talvez o azul-céu do oriente da minha rua por detrás do cedro constante e verde revelasse o segredo que sempre me murmurou a uma distância inaudível. e seria bom. sei-o porque mo revelou o bom deus das crianças inócuo contador de histórias. eternas. para lá dessas fronteiras e planícies esculpidas ao vento morri na tua ausência. naquele andar inconsciente para trás e para a frente. cansado de não encontrar a saída da direcção e sem porques nem porquês esbati-me na brancura do vinco do tempo. penso.
morri sem saber. dei-me

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2015

Unlikely Habit

Unlikely Habit

the obsession of getting on a bus without leaving to grab what from the window stares at me while mine don't even settle, fly over displays' landscape, colours' range and shapes about legs and breasts, hanged from naked torsos with hard necks, tanned; the starts and brakes, the acid indifference of the alike; suddenly a startled reflux, or a memory haunting, jumping from stomach to tongue, without more than a hopeless now, when a piece of sky between an alley or a façade turns into some exquisite glory, soiling.
and while inside this distressing trance, repeat the same unfinished lines, sort I think one day I would like to or What do you think you would say if, until reaching the mechanically unlikely habit of not knowing anything nor over nothing, to forget all names, all stories, all dates; to get used to forget everything of myself - routes, journeys, the order of things, the houses, the beds, the houses.

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2015

Pensamento no Dia / Thought in the Day

Thought in the Day

To be selfish to the exhaustion of altruism

to be egocentrically
being an eclogue's writer

beyond the hours of the day
the misanthropic
gain flux and blood
the ego blemishes
king - paltry

Pensamento no Dia

Ser Egoísta até à exaustão do altruísmo

ser egocentricamente

sendo ecloguista

para lá das horas dos dias
as artimanhas
ganham fluxo e sangue
as manchas do ego
rei – reles

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

sábado, 17 de outubro de 2015

Word Sensed

Word Sensed

It was that day's
and year's instant, subject to
angle's gradient, in the look

parallel to the spill – let the sun
flutter about his mettle, manly
making us females

of ourselves, the question
obeys, warms, slides

It was that day's
instant when everything would be born -
eyelid, light, word

sensed, nearby
the ground, which at that angle
would be low - pebble, dust - tide.

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2015

Palavra Sentida

Palavra Sentida

Era aquele instante do dia
e do ano, sujeito a inclinação
do ângulo, no olhar

paralelo ao derrame - que o sol
bordeje o seu ânimo, viril
fazendo-nos fêmeas

de nós próprios, a interrogação
obedece, aquece, desliza

Era aquele instante
do dia em que tudo ecloderia -
pálpebra, luz, palavra

sentida, rente
ao chão, que naquele ângulo
seria maré - seixo, poeira – vazia.

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2015

Quase Livre

Quase Livre

Esta manhã surpreendi-me:
o livro de bolso que levo
a passear à rua
não estava. À minha espera, no lugar -
já seriam horas -
a imaginação levou-me
a percorrer corredores
frios, de um sombreado
extenuante e encharcado numa doçura
carnal, fui tomado
pela repetição - esta e o entusiasmo são
contagiantes -
de certas expressões até
ao limite da compreensão
do sorriso
da fisionomia
do sexo e da saudade
da memória que se atravessa
no corpo, quando
deambulamos assim
por ruelas, de copo em
sem saber como lá fomos
parar ou o que
queremos, se é que o

Mas não agora – agora vou de bicicleta
sem livro, sem casaco, apenas
diria quase
a esta distância

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2015

Estados da Alma

Nada melhor que a afável leveza
das coisas fúteis;
a sua narcísica materialidade é
um convite
ao nada- ainda que
simbólico, mesmo assim
um nada -
aquele ócio que

de vez em quando
entre o ins e o ex pirar
nos seduz no seu leito
de pétalas rosa-carmesim
deslizando para bem fundo
do que ainda resta
firme, lúcido
e é então que somos

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2015

Mexican Notes

Voyeurism sneaks through
dance-eye-notes, smiles, bellies, hats;
these skin-wholly-scenes keep revisiting me
beyond expectations, I
any help.

~José Coelho, 2015

Provavelmente Hoje

Nada se assemelha ao deserto - 
a circunstância, o detalhe
um,      no outro
a desconcertante arrumação
dos conteúdos, como se alguém 
tivesse a ilusão
da disciplina da areia
do recatado pudor da sede
da sublime delicadeza dos seus
em permanente fuga e 
clamasse, súpeto, seu
a autoria desta
loucura -

para além da ausência
do mesmo.

~José Coelho, 2015

Clipping Edges

Men weights lengths and strengths;
Irregardless the tree falls
to the weakest side.

~José Coelho, 2015

domingo, 11 de outubro de 2015

To The Bone

To The Bone

Mr Masaki's daughter
was keen on dancing, while I
slobbered over
home made plum's jam

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

sábado, 10 de outubro de 2015

Errant Refuse

Errant Refuse

Fields and bodies
prepare, slicing excesses
in them

Bramble fences leave
lovely impressions on the skin
of who does the cutting

Years of geometry -
concentric, exuberant, vertical -
falter upon the metallic
of treecide

Without Kyoto, we are all
egocentric flies, fulminating
others illusions

But the universe is large
and will not give a

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

Late Afternoon Leak

Late Afternoon Leak

Lemon drop
her vanilla tissues
shaping forms, acutely -
a promenade
bedewing primary

~ José Coelho, 2015

sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2015

The Invention of Cities

The Invention of Cities

Sublime, the sun
broke iced conglomerates arresting
life in untold

Sibling matters dispersed
dissonant notes gathered
wholly by the antipodes

the dialect of ordered bricks

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2015

Masumi's Dream

Masumi's Dream

Mr Masumi had a dream
In his dream he was sleeping
Through a faintly opened window
a dimmed light penetrated the
inside, somehow
humming a note of silence
On his walls, a maelstrom
of ants, moths, centipedes -
some were walking in lines
other just standing
as if happy
with that –
obscured the meaning of life
the dream

Mr Masumi told us, then, that
was everything
he remembered from the

Until yesterday
Mr Masumi visited me at
work. He held a gracious look
in his eyes an intense
juvenile luster
A few days before, he
had been blessed with a few
more inches of the film
he dreamed. At first, he was afraid
all that insect paraphernalia
would have killed him
in his sleep or maybe left him
bleeding over
his white linen; but no -
at this point, he took another sip
of his black coffee and I
couldn't help noticing how surreal
it suddenly got:
no longer at my office
instead, there was a round table, outside
just near a road, but no traffic
the landscape resembled something familiar
dry, arid, with angular objects
fitting across the fields as
beasts waiting for the
I had a wine glass filled with coffee, too
It was a pleasurable afternoon -
amazingly – he went on -
all the ants
formed lines, so consistently moving
in their trails
movement, slowly, got erased from perception
and then one ant fell to floor -
he made a painful gesture
and a clashing sound -
then the second ant, the third
they were falling as if the dream
for them
had come to an end
This scenario went on for a while
I was scared as hell, though
my other I, the one sleeping in
the dream, looked like
an angel
I wanted to get closer to
my self
and feel how it feels
even if just in a
but the ants kept falling
and walking
and on the walls, now
it was clear
words were being shaped
in the gaps
ants left

There was no time
to ask him the obvious question
In this exotic story, not even
Masumi's shadow was real
I finished my coffee, which by now
tasted as wine and
moved back into office

Above my desk, two
clocks displayed time
fighting for attention with
a sense of humor
However it was a folded
stuck into my keyboard
I grabbed and opened
The message, balancing
before my eyes
- as a phantom -
Keep dreaming
Signed, Masumi.

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

Maybe Flowers

*Maybe Flowers*

Objects, apparently
inoculate some neutrality
among people

The simple presence
of a table between strangers
or a glass vase
a glass, a clean, transpicuous, empty glass
Maybe flowers -
flowers mean much more
than the space they
Their invisible moistened arms
embrace strangers
their color
speaks of composition
their scent
becomes an addiction
Why not the sun
The sun will undress
strangers and make them
in liquid blank verse
in blind sentences
or even melt
the bodies, the objects

Guns are objects, too
Too often found on tables
between strangers

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2015

Hermits Know It

Hermits Know It

Silence is always a good start
to flatten the water surface
and look beneath
the mirror in your eyes

But few want to
dive into such network of
detail – an auto defense tool
against self awareness niemity
and memory porn

Moreover, silence is
unique and therefore, expensive -
hermits know it
and hummingbirds too

I word this now
as I behold the coming storm
from the top
of my mountain – higher clouds
presume and contain
by no planned means
a change of seasons

The wind is blowing hard.

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

sábado, 3 de outubro de 2015

A Case Of Wine

A Case Of Wine

will lap earth
& men wither under
a white layer
of snow

these were the words
in her mouth
in the warmth
of our kiss -
which we endured

and anything else
were dead

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho