sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2016

Southern Memos, III – Survival

Southern Memos, III – Survival

Any love that might exist
here, now
is pure fantasy”

As I was reading her
church bells tolled
and I wasn't sure where
the sound came from – the film
or reality

So I took the camera
and started looking more
carefully, penetrating worlds
in small steps
uncovering possibilities
correcting the spelling in my
the angle of my senses
getting familiar with unusual
behaviors – exotic
maybe just detached from
a certain expectation -
which, after all, are a question of
color, keenness of
light and

Are you sure you want to part
forever?”, the voice
went on

There was a long silence
before the room's view was
revealed -
long enough to hear
the shutter button performing
its pragmatic

Then, their bodies came closer
touching, their hands
rubbing between
their legs
tanned from age and always
the sun
burning beyond

Meanwhile, outside
a noise
of cans and plastic
being raven, made me stand up -
a dog
concentrating on survival.

© 2016, José Coelho

terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2016

Southern Memos, II

Southern Memos, II

Reading tankas
under a scorching
Anything longer could thaw
my grip.

Understanding how people
emerge from the sea
as carob trees, artichokes, sweet potatoes
lurk beneath earth's surface;
all because they have to.

The deepest the drought
the fitter the soil when rain
shall pour;
if and only if both

In these conditions, happiness remains
a selective property; for only those
are able to shine
and bloom.

Two old ladies strolling
among almond trees;
their plucking though over
remains a presence worth
living – their silence
a warm mystery.

© 2016, José Coelho

segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2016

Southern Memos, I

Southern Memos, I

Night falls
there is no wind, the salt
quiets the body;
as I gather the leftovers
and blow away
the sand between
my fingers
I notice, some grains remain
stubbornly smug -
conversations sticking
to the surface becoming slender
marks in one´s future

There's so much I still must

© 2016, José Coelho

sábado, 23 de julho de 2016

Idea of South

Idea of South

Today, the idea of South rests
near me
like a single-hearted memory
born long before
my time

I wake up to its smell, my ever
lasting lover, teasing me
with purple flowers

on one hand, the size
of the sky
the depth of white walls
on the other

I hasten for a touch
a plumage quivering my wings
as if today
would mean the first -
or the last -
of migrations.

© 2016, José Coelho

sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2016

Que Fazer Com o Poema?

Que Fazer Com o Poema?

Sendo que a imagem tornou-se mais
que o que nela
se mostrava

E não serão assim todas
as imagens -
mais do que elas
próprias, por direito, em si

Sugestão de outras
vistas, vividas, imaginadas
monólogos sem rédea
num tropel pegado

Ah! Fiasco!

© 2016, José Coelho

quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2016

Perversões do Meio-dia

Perversões do Meio-dia

A minha empregada não
percebe nada de poesia e
além disso
desordena-me os livros
todos – vou
despedi-la, já!

disse, entrementes

Depois, fez a cadeira
girar uns 30º e
colocando ciosamente os pés entre
duas edições da História
virou a página e deleitou-se
com mais umas
nalgas, empinadas

à sexta-feira
a sua encomenda de revistas
eróticas estrangeiras
dando-lhe tréguas aos livros
e à escrita
para se dedicar a um momento de
- segundo ele -
infusão vaginal

E enquanto eu vertia chá
ou café – a gosto -
em copos de plástico
não alimentar
a cidadãos despreocupados

© 2016, José Coelho

quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2016

Aseptic Tragedies

Aseptic Tragedies

On occasions I am
reminded of its flavor
and as a bile duct, serving
merely as a vessel
of transmission
I convey

The idea of the blade
cutting tissues
The touch of hands
the rugged wall
The flavor of blood
from within
and still the feeling
of live flesh -
mesmerizing images

As I said, only on
occasions – maybe
there's no proper composition
to describe it -
they become so harshly plural
arrogantly sick
standing full of them selves
like waves
engulfing the sea
pretending to believe
their heart – a germ-free
empty room -
will hold the sparkling

But then, I see
the shrinking of human
into debris like
elements – a sculpture of once
living things
for life

And all that nonsense while
waving at each other
goodbyes; looking ahead
it wouldn't defy any
to wash my wrath
anew with

© 2016, José Coelho

quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2016

Endemic Fugue

Endemic Fugue

All day, as ants
following footsteps
tracing history

Each hour, stupidity
plugs my skin;
the real I tries no defense

A side effect, the size of
past and future;
an eternal missing now

© 2016, José Coelho

domingo, 10 de julho de 2016

Evidence of Water

Evidence of Water

As the stream flows along
that small rivulet
satisfying the dogs
this short sentence pops to my mind:
Evidence of Water -
one of the first words I heard
her say;
evidence of something
underneath her soft, unsullied skin
rolling through her tongue
to the world – a gift
of nature
performing its chemistry

Each time, that same conviction
of birds
on their first flight
besides, the awareness of
I'm sure the meaning was there
cuz that's how words
are given form
but the awareness is an outer
peel, like a defense
an extra concrete layer, made up to
fasten the central structure
preventing it from bouncing
on stormy days.

[ there is no evidence without
which, in fact, is irrelevant ]

The most crucial thing being
water – not the liquid, but
the idea we make of it - the concept
we are able to speak out
and look at
from a distance.

© 2016, José Coelho

sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2016

Is Squeezed Tomato a Fruit or a Vegetable?

Is Squeezed Tomato a Fruit or a Vegetable?

Let´s observe
the glass; from this
perspective one can watch how
the inner content
moves, sliding
creating paths between stronger
cohesive nuclei
as if looser forms always became
weaker, thus less
individual, thus more
Yet, it's the bed in the glass
that is calling me -
my thirsty eyes

© 2016, José Coelho

quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2016

Descrição de Um Fim de Dia

*Descrição de Um Fim de Dia*

Descemos a marginal junto à costa
saboreando cada curva, os matizes torrados
de fim de tarde, rebentam
nas pedras, na areia das fachadas
sob o calor, emprestam desejos
às formas intimas que

das janelas – seios, mãos, faces -
almejam-se outras margens

Dadas as limitações
não paramos

há uma linha de pensamento
a seguir - melhor, ela flui -
e nós enfetiçados
nada fazemos, senão
sermos matéria de

nesse estado
de inércia
afloramos à superfície
de fortes, fortalezas, palacetes
aquários ao abandono sem água
nem peixes
para além de pinturas

Não há exagero qualquer
na pequenez que somos

qualquer grama adicional seria
móbil destruidor

Há que respeitar
as relações de força

Sucedem-se praças magníficas
monumentos em decadência
duma exuberância jovem – fontes, relvados
grafitis coloridos -
exalam uma desconcertante
pelo futuro

e as pessoas, essas
sorriem e abraçam a atmosfera
que vaza como um rio
calmo, ordeiro
sedento da sua

voltamos à estrada – o asfalto é
ainda um corpo de mulher
macio, quente
que pede
sem delongas

do céu
ou talvez das pontes ou
do cristo
pingam sinónimos de
amor, alegria
e outros que tal
passam despercebidos

As luzes do automático
e alguém sugere que

© 2016, José Coelho