quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2015

Entre a Estética e o Esquecimento

Entre a Estética e o Esquecimento

Quero esquecer

Ordeno as coisas coleccionadas
nem sei para quê? Se afinal
amanhã tudo será matéria
prima para outros

Quero olhar os ângulos
da casa e vê-los
sem ornamentos desnecessários
a um progresso
da estética

-labial com certeza
húmidos ou secos, quero
beijá-los onomatopeicamente enquanto me
deleito na foz deste rio
onde o doce morre e a vida

Ordeno os porquês
arquivados desordenadamente
em estantes, caixas, armários, gavetas
e interrogo-lhes os pontos
com o desprezo da

e movimentos contidos mas
agilizam o fluir
de montante a jusante
câmara ante câmara

os seixos rolam
e a memória indelével das coisas
é agora uma amalgama -
imenso areal
do leito oceânico.

© José Coelho, 2015 


terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2015

On the Aesthetics of Forgetfulness (or how it sums up after a 3rd Margarita)

On the Aesthetics of Forgetfulness
(or how it sums up after a 3rd Margarita)

The wall stood
proud and silent as a stone
in time

As far as I know it was there
layer with layer, holding the strength
of history and morphology – trees
and earth bathing each other
moving slowly as
lovers -
since the beginning

and we drank
their geometry, a wise structure performing

Then, one day, a part of the wall
came down

As I lick the junction between
the nail of my
ring finger
the tiny fleshless band
at its base
waiting for skin
to grow

rebuilding memory patterns

I realize the gap
has been replaced with
cement blocks

© José Coelho, 2015

segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2015

On Forgetfulness and Aesthetics (a 2nd attempt on explaining the title)

On Forgetfulness and Aesthetics
(a 2nd attempt on explaining the title)

Around 4 pm the engine starts
In the nearby section, the pile
is growing
towards freedom -
unknown machine, thinking

above the water level, things
get rough, if not truly inclement
when you're naked
or a fish

too much fatness can kill you
too much memory, as well

let the body be less
beyond the flesh, beauty
is more

Letters, books, an old fan at pause
parked for ages - I count on your discretion
should the word rubbish
be heard
or the body be seen
rummaging through

foamy teeth grasp the essence
of material, as the last blister undoes

When the lines are hold together, they
don't exist and
the whole is a chamber of
unless structure

Around 11 pm the engine stops
In the nearby section, the pile
is gone.

© José Coelho, 2015

terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2015

Para uma Estética do Esquecimento / For an Aesthetics of Forgetfulness

Para uma Estética do Esquecimento

Entrou. Sem
pestenajar, sentou-se e olhou-me de frente.
Disse que queria falar-me de uma estética, nova,
porém a sombra ou o reflexo
de algo na mesa, cintilando, remexendo-se, parecendo até um cardume
de ideías que
engordava e emagrecia em anéis
de vento, distraiu-o. Então calou-se
e ficámo-nos por uma presença, discreta
entorpecida no meio do nada
até que a porta se abriu
e nos convidaram para a sessão de
Hoje, lia-se. E eu, abalado ainda, tentei
dominar toda a minha vontade e concentração.
Beber água ajudava. Bebi e
tanto pensei no título, que me esqueci do conteúdo.
E dele, nem mais uma gota

For an Aesthetics of Forgetfulness

He came in. Without
blinking, he sat down and looked me in the eye.
Said he wanted to talk to me about one aesthetics, a new one,
but the shadow or reflection
of something on the table, glistening, fidgeting, even appearing a shoal
of ideas which
fattened and lost weight in wind
rings, distracted him. Then fell silent
and we became a presence, discreet
numb in the middle of nowhere
until the door opened
and we were invited to a group
Today, it got read. And I, still shaken, tried
to master all my will and concentration.
Drinking water helped. I drank and
so much I thought about the title, I forgot the content.
And of him, not another drop
was left.

© José Coelho, 2015