sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2016

The Art of Survival

The Art of Survival

He chose to live in a small house

in order to minimize the risk
of loneliness
empty spaces bleeding
walls and ceiling spluttering
a kind of silence

that sticks unless
are quick, precise and preferably
nimble with using your hands' wide surface
molding, crushing its flatness, cleansing
at once
all noise irregularities

So he was told to face south-east
each morning around ten
and wait or walk
for as long as he could take
the waiting or the walking without

limbs loose, mind

though, the deaf thump
of flesh hitting
glass as an an absurd conviction
at regular intervals
made him fear
the sound
of humans working
their way upward
a sort of blindness
an irrational faith in things or
their quest for enlargement

Then again
this whiteness, the direction which could
blemished rays'

so he strengthened his pace -
waiting or walking -
allowing the wind to blow
within oxalis' fields and
gypsy butterfly

© 2016, José Coelho

terça-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2016

Mr Masumi's Paperknife

Mr Masumi's Paperknife

One of his dearest and precious objects was a sandalwood paperknife I use to slit all my letters open.

Over the years me and Mr Masumi exchanged an handful of writings, mostly postcards filled with his home town illustrations or reports on his eccentric vacation - some exotic and bizarre experiences and a few mementos. One of these was his special paperknife, sent to me some years ago via mail and carefully wrapped in sandy brown crépon paper. Fastened to itself was a closed envelope begging to be opened with the knife's help. I could not refrain from envisioning his little smile sprouting in his face as he thought it all up and maybe what expectedly could be an explanation about this offering.

This was the message I found inside:

«My friend, please accept this old piece of wood. It was given to me back in my youth, by an irregular visitor traveling from India and I suppose an old family friend. Its sweet, strong scent is a remnant of trees best knowledge and purity. Regarded as a gift by ancient travelers who strove for a piece to bring them luck and confidence. I'm sure you'll find it enticing as much as they and I did. Use it once and their ephemeral cells will remain dwelling long after your memory will care to remember. I've learned to love it as a magical object. It has awaken me to joy, sorrow, hope and wisdom and that's why I'm deeply found of it. Take care. Love. Masumi.»

Nothing was said about the reason why he would be wiling to give away such a personal and estimated belonging. Therefore I had no alternative other than accepting.

I've been using it since that day.

© 2016, José Coelho

sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2016

Da Salubridade de Nós

Da Salubridade de Nós

Persisto numa dúvida miudinha
se na nossa direcção vemos um feixe
de luz ou a folha
de uma espada

Tinhamos-nos embriagado em cinzas
o pó secáva-nos a língua
nos céus as marcas de colisões
e o esquisso de sextinas destapando a aurora, avançando
entre solilóquios da calçada
junto ao Tejo
persistindo como chuva
habitando búzios onde tudo
se torna íntimo e outonal
vendo os plátanos despidos, a dormir
à luz amanteigada das preces e dos beirais
nós, cheios de inveja da sua
simplicidade e requinte
provavelmente sentados num banco
de jardim
a lodo forjamos as imagens
da folha e da espada - a luz, por enquanto
é somente uma ilusão de promessa

© 2016, José Coelho

terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2016

Mr Masumi's Thought

Mr Masumi's Thought

«There is something slippery about words, once they're written, their gleam...»

was abruptly interrupted as his feet immersed in the basin's salty water -the warmth eradicating from his toes to his upper legs, reaching just below the pelvic region -

and later while his body adapted to the touch of the masseuse, those vertical feelings, safely distant as ceiling flecks behind mist.

« however sweet, this blindness might kill as gravity »

Her hands gloomed in oil. His body stilled his head under the flat of her hands, became a narrow shadow of him self. There was room for silence, though in between far off noises arrived at him with augmented physical perception.

« parallel water flowing down the walls, slowly filling the landscape »

On the way back home, he sat by the window, engaging in the late afternoon traffic. Buses hurried by, among small cars, dogs and bicycle carts. People cued on sidewalks, waiting upon their turns. His mind felt idle, sweat drops began falling.

« the same about faces, the way we look and bring forth certain lines, measures, relations, ignoring others, inducing deception »

He noticed a young woman and her child had taken the place up his front, the evidence of life making it all so irrelevant – his thoughts against breasts and lips were nothing - a mere record of the journey's log.

© 2016, José Coelho

quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2016

A Temporary To Be

A Temporary To Be
I am slow, by antithesis
I evoke the senses while observing rivers' fluidity. In the absence of words, I sleep
in the names, I dip my moisty look
inside these Indian hands, worn out hands, where winds and songs bathe and sway
nature is prime and out of tomorrow
the bumps appear, massive: the bony flesh against the glass and in between nothing
but a temporary to be
and blood - wings are left out and fly

The fog condenses
the breath, even that close to the ground and fast, very fast, without friction, almost
and finally the word arises - intention - and with it a small figure takes shape, runs, screams - to me? -
tomorrow It's my birthday!

During the foghorn growl, the sand
stops; the water hesitates between killing and hiding; I feel its sound
dense, infiltrating it self as I breathe – thus I stop as well and wait
anxious, the news is clear: huge depression arriving from the west-south-west, threats to the coast, fallen trees, shards of porcelain, shattered glass, waves taking over the river and climbing roads; vertical floods
on land, in the land we do not own, in the home we do not inhabit, in the bed where 

we do not lie

© 2016, José Coelho

quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2016

Aparas de Lápis

Aparas de Lápis
A escrita como forma de purificação espiritual, fascina-me enquanto cheiro
das aparas de lápis, das sobras de borracha, da tinta de canetas permanentes; o próprio papel, na sua micro estrutura têxtil, reúne um leque de variados odores – bafio, palha, cola, pigmentos, sândalo e entre muitos mais, tudo o que da água a fibra guarda
Algumas palavras requerem um traço mais cuidado - o ângulo, a grossura, a nitidez ou a sobriedade dos arrebiques – outras pedem para ser usadas até à exaustão do seu significado, numa ameaça grave que nunca se concretiza. Depois há aquelas que nos distraem - egoístas, ciumentas – e nos desviam do único sujeito passível
e porém, a dependência a que me obriga, transporta-me para um universo, aonde sozinho, me enlevo e vicio.
© 2016, José Coelho

Apenas Isso

Apenas Isso

Havia a todoo redor um sabor a bruma e terra fresca
Havia um caminho flanqueado de copas altas, frondosas -
ao fundo, a silhueta de uma serra a negrito, ou talvez nuvens, daquelas que iludem a realidade, ou ainda prédios numa colina distante -
no máximo, uns cem metros que se caminham numa combustão lenta de oxigénio e poesia.
Havia o machucar seco de folhas no chão e o acenar colorido das que nos ramos ficavam, entretidas.

No final, tudo se clarificava e reduzia à funcional geometria do sucesso.

© 2016, José Coelho

sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2016

Castelos e Masmorras

Castelos e Masmorras

A imaginação expande
os ténues fios que nos ligam
as extremidades proporcionando-nos
o deleite de verdadeiros momentos improváveis ou a angústia visceral e fatídica
de salas escuras e espectros frios.

É ela que regula a lividez destas paredes e a morfologia insatisfeita do declínio outonal

É ela que exala a flor do contentamento para lá dos limites desta cidade e destes corpos

É ela que tece a sintaxe da paixão
e do medo

Os seus passos cativos, ecoam
seus cabelos lustrosos, esgueiram-se
entre ondas e colos impulsivos
seus beijos, deslumbram
na textura seus olhos ostentam
a luxúria de mil cavalos
e seus dedos capricham espumas
oceânicas -
mas os castelos e as masmorras, esses
habitamo-los nós.

© 2016, José Coelho

quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2016

Late Night Split

Late Night Split

For a start
If I let my hands work
on your skin
will I grow to grasp the form
inside you
or maybe trap myself
to blindness

© 2016, José Coelho

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2016

Gestos Vãos

Gestos Vãos
Perante a evidência da altura, há pouco a fazer. Saltar significa voar ou morrer; e porém, a atração é tal que não saltar é definhar atrozmente. Vejo-o e registo as cores fatídicas do medo, arquivo lamelas de secreções glandulares, memorizo as horas e a luz. Simulo, parado, todo o trajecto, numa descrição de gestos vãos. Depois passo os dedos nas tuas pernas e faço o que devo fazer.

© 2016, José Coelho

quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2016

Sou Lento

Sou Lento

Sou lento, por antítese.
Na escolha das palavras, durmo
nos nomes, mergulho
meu olhar húmido nessas mãos
índicas, despojadas, onde
águas revolvem e marés
embalam o sentido
das coisas
Sou lento, por paixão
Comungo de um sentimento de espaço
livre, inaudito, oracular
onde o tempo aprende a espera
Sou lento, por desígnio
aceito a genética molecular
e as incertezas, por princípio
sei que no fim
só tu.

© 2016, José Coelho

terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2016



And while the music played
his closed eyes
danced, for as long as
his imagination

© 2016, José Coelho

Arquétipos de Fuga

Arquétipos de Fuga

O percurso é linear, estamos
numa planície -
pressinto o efeito da altitude -
aliás a julgar pela neve, dir-se-ia
mesmo, num planalto
A máquina avança, lesta
ao encontro do seu destino
Por detrás do vidro duplo, a paisagem
confirma o movimento em tons
de madeira, vermelho-terra,
por vezes lavanda
O horizonte é amplo, a orografia convida
a parar o pensamento, onde
fios metálicos ondulam
por entre as árvores despidas
uma constância de intentos no céu velado
cinza, afigura-se
Poderiamos imaginar que nesse instante
preciso, a humanidade se condensaria em finíssimos
paus de fósforo, invisíveis e que todos juntos
caberiam num dedal; esse
estaria no centro do meu olhar e congregaria
todos os pensamentos, emoções -
arquétipos de fuga - qual
dádiva a partilhar, de todos
para todos
num intervalo sem

© 2016, José Coelho

segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2016

Palavra Oca

Palavra Oca

A natureza do desconhecido, provoca
assusta-nos o vermelho
das suas afirmações engolem-nos
entre abraços e carícias
deleitamo-nos nas águas densas
desses pequenos infinitos

Os passáros morrem de amor
enquanto passamos
as mãos tremem e aninham-se
nas suas sombras

Por ti, penso
filtro a luz, sou vitral
no teu regaço, bebo

e certo dia a morte
deixa de ser uma palavra oca

© 2016, José Coelho

Close To 3AM

Close To 3AM

Sadness is a strange
mother fucker -
knocking as smooth as a priest
leaving you emptied
as a burglar

© 2016, José Coelho

sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2016

S/ Título

A pele memoriza o toque
por vezes mais
que o cérebro -
nervuras capilares.

José Coelho, 2016

Adherent Film

Adherent Film

Thin as bubbles'

People are sitting in rows
of chairs
or standing still
by the walls and bar

On the rear a table
gets to be the spot
to look at
on occasions
the mind bounces through
the bubbles, swaying fringes of
recent episodes - like
indulging in a sleepless life or
love museums cooling off
by the water – I urge
to take distance

Proud as imperial bushes
three women sit by the table
sparrows picking at their
collecting all the rubbish
fixing anecdotal jokes like tears
running down
their cheekbones
ice melting over the floor
fruit and stuff, all juicy
afloat, somewhere
there's a sign -
get lost if you hate me -
so I stay
I feel hungry
and whimsy, I crave
for sex and
walls thrive between us
as they talk and talk
silently, one by
describing the thickness of their
tongue, the taste of
their words; the sound of plumage
randomly falling
much of everything -
no touching, please

I prefer chaffing and
degusting exotic breakfasts
in bed – feel the blood
delivering food to
while memories come adherent
film free.

© 2016, José Coelho