domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2017

Fit To One's Name

Fit To One's Name

Simple is dying everyday. While
letters are being written the sun twists
its colors – weak embryos of nights – and
rests. Through eyes then killed
histories of lives seeking the only purpose
fit to one's name and
crumbling hearts. A side effect
not to despise, whether enjoyable or not
to be proven

© 2017, José Coelho

quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2017

Possibilidades / Possibilities

Qual astro à deriva no firmamento
assim eu me deixo
guiar por equações da física emocional;
talvez um dia colida
na rota de um corpo maior
com esse que da poeira
me trará em seu

As a star adrift in the firmament so I let myself be guided by equations of emotional physics; maybe one day I will crash on the route of a larger body with whom from dust will bring me into his heaven.

© 2017, José Coelho