segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2016

Nem Rosas Nem Lágrimas

Nem Rosas Nem Lágrimas

Dever-me-ia enlevar
pela sua mundanidade, mas
esta cidade desgosta-me;
as suas avenidas novas, largas e
outrora modernas
entristecem à sombra tórrida
dos plátanos
envelhecidos a monóxido de carbono
e a resíduos de incineradoras

Existe algo de marroquino - na sua
vertente francesa - porém pecando por
excesso de organização e
nesta cidade, desconheço
o nome das ruas e das
pessoas – todas me parecem
lorpas, mesmo as mais ousadas
no requinte, dúbio e nas vestes simples ou

Das esplanadas, o odor amargo-doce
do café, o burburinho atlântico
da espuma creme, desfazendo-se
nas margens cerâmicas
polidas, das paredes onde
bêbados, loucos e drogados
se encostam e espreitam

Nas arcadas, vendedores
de rua apalpam o chão enquanto
se vendem com ladainhas ensalivadas
a galôes e bagaço; nos bolsos
as migalhas do pequeno almoço
entre moedas e mortalhas

Detesto as donas de casa, os engravatados
e os doutores, só por
serem ou estarem
nesta cidade

me falam de paços, bibliotecas, parques
teatro, cinema, arte;
falam-me de tradição, cultura, conhecimento
mas eu vejo é corredores de macas
incógnitas, pessoas gemendo
incógnitas à espera de (...)
e salas de um branco sujo e
enfermeiras de batas roçadas, sujas
e tudo ligeiramente impregnado em
formaldeído e distância
e as visitas de domingo e as esperas
e a viagem de carro e a pastaleria onde
comprávamos os suspiros e os
compais que escondiamos entre os
cobertores ruços – na esperança;
depois, à saída, as mesmas pessoas mas
ao contrário – os pés direitos, os tubos
de respiração, as faces esquálidas
num bocejo inacabado
e as enfermeiras
indiferentes, passando
sem tocar

na solidão, penso. Depois
desligo até ao próximo

A horas
as colinas fecham
horizontes e o rio, afrouxa
sem saber se há de correr para
jusante ou tornar súbito
às serranas origens

O penedo, esse
lá fica
transpirando saudades
nesta cidade, sem rosas
nem lágrimas, onde 
nem a morte
quis ficar.

© 2016, José Coelho

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2016

A Poesia como força criativa

A Poesia como força criativa

escarrei, uma substancia visceralmente
asquerosa; lambeu a minha
e foi-se

do céu caíram
pássaros que a seca quase

do centro
um ímpeto de luxúria
conjuga verbos

sem nexo, a raposa
em círculos
decidida a seduzir a pequena galinha

com uma força que nos mata
de mansinho
pressiona os seus dedos
com a intenção e a
subtileza de

o que, de facto, acabou
por acontecer – a galinha, tonta
fechou os olhos
e caiu nos braços do astuto

No dia seguinte
naquele pedaço de terra
uma flor -linda -
tinha nascido
num vício

© 2016, José Coelho

quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2016

Dos Trovões e dos Grilos

Dos Trovões e dos Grilos

A cada minuto a complacência
das oliveiras, contrasta
com o fulgor
do céu, abrindo-se em ziguezagues

Da minha parte, obedeco
escutando, enquanto me entretenho
com o zunir clássico
dos grilos

e se a sorte ousar, em mim
passar a sua língua
sirva-me cerveja por consolo, que
tarda a chuva em cair e
o mel não saciará esta
derradeira sede.

Of Thunders and Crickets

Every minute the olive-trees'
complacence, contrasts
with the sky's
luster, opening itself in valkyric

For my part, I obey
listening while I entertain myself
with the classic throb
of crickets

and if luck shall dare to pass
its tongue on me
as comfort, serve me with beer, while
rain hinders its fall and
honey won't quench this
utmost thirst.

© 2016 José Coelho

terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2016

The Birth

The Birth

It all started long ago -
I can recall the exact
place and light
The room had wide
windows and that particular
day, we sat around
the center
in a slightly oval form
So long I forgot
the face of others
their names, their basic
when approaching
me, just sitting and
waiting upon light
or shadow
to erase my name as well as
the present

It all started when I
least expected – landscapes
imploding inside a
growing city, a reduction of
leaving it all fuzzy
unfixed, damn centered
It all started there – the birth of
aesthetic awareness – as a bullet
plugging to my
it drilled fast and steady
leaving a sense of condensed
pulling everything to
bemusing spatial

and that's why, the question
I keep asking myself
was I alone
since then on.

© 2016, José Coelho

sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2016



Our veins
once virginal
kept this long cry
safe, inside

that amber makes them
harder, I can only
its sound.

© 2016, José Coelho

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2016


On the thinnest earth
scrap, I walked
The sun on one side, the moon
defying day light
on the other

Felt good

was not enough.

© 2016, José Coelho

quinta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2016

Southern Memos, VI - To Be Adaptable

Southern Memos, VI - To Be Adaptable

Her index finger pressed something
dark, with precision, pushing it
gently into the ground
which immediately adjusted it self
to absorb the alien body

with safety and
almost pleasure
one could even think of
mastery within nature's

much as around ebb
everything felt perfect and dormancy
ruled over

The oval form - metallic blue -
reappeared on the surface, emerging
as a bubble in

her index finger
then applying the same
direction and strength
reinforcing her
to make the beetle
from sight

Ideas rolled
leaving room for nothing and
I could perfectly see him
each drop of water, resting on
the kitchen
again and again

as if a game was
taking place – maybe it was! -
there was a tap
just above my face -
sweat drops moving
across her fields -
though each single drip
fell on the sink

[ it kept him busy ]

neither the beetle nor
her index finger seemed
frustrated or tired – they both
felt fit for each other
and went on.

© 2016, José Coelho

segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2016

Southern Memos, V – Accepting life

Southern Memos, V – Accepting life

There are two sort of people:
the ones were born here and the others
fell in love and stayed

The first are somber, creased
skin and dark eyes, too
The men carry the weight of
seasons through ages of scarcity, believing they
could lower the sun's
trajectory and maybe rise their heads
an instant just enough to watch
Helius curling his hair
women keep their beauty
in secrecy, not as a matter of shame
but as a sign of distrust only
broken before Selene's veil

The second are blind by the light
or they
wouldn't be in love

Destiny will bring them
together – this is not a question -
and time will sparkle the fuse in their

© 2016, José Coelho

quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2016

Southern Memos, IV - Taking decisions

Southern Memos, IV - Choices

Somewhere in the hills about
the village, heading south
a rock has been growing every morning
for the past 16 years
developing a sense of direction
a notion
of memory and the will to
make irrelevant but regular
become refined

a pit at the center where one
would expect centuries of wind
deposits ending their vulnerable
this rock cages
an elegant womb – inside
which flowers prepare their
and bloom during dreams

So often I walked through
failing to see how
this rock was.

© 2016, José Coelho