sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2015

Last Transgression

Last Transgression

Tonight, I swear, I will
sin. Not
with my weakish
body, no.
With my heart!
I will unchain its vessels
allow the blood
or whatever fluid they say
runs inside, to spill over
the edge
infecting whoever comes near
with passion

and you, my dear
will open
your mouth
and drink
till the last drip slips

Then, I will rest
in peace.

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

quarta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2015

I Wish Sheep

Part I
back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of. back in. out of.

Part II
A few lines were enough
to squid, the tongue groping for more
than just deepness of words
or cheeks, split
the form into laces, make them
dance namelessly, make them
stitch those lines
of any meaning,
the tongue said
- I wish sheep
still came to my meadow, but that's not
in- said the squid

and we all laughed!

Part III

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

segunda-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2015

Study for an Erogenous Poem

*Study for an Erogenous Poem*
How long does it take
from Paris to Hamburg       by train?
How far can hands reach
if not touching   and the tongue
a fleshy device        tasting, licking, swallowing
used to titillate speech – but we don’t, not in
that way -
how deep can it go, peeking into
your mouth?
There is a swift sensation
almost unnoticed, you lean your foot against my scrotum, while [rail] switches
amend the travel
[under] thin fabric
sagittarian breasts reveal the 
size of my friction
Outside, dark silhouettes cut
by wheels
expose their nudity
in gentle simmer &
There is no city, no destiny
the night unfolds along the track
with no fore dawning
in view
I caress your finger tips, arousing soles
you're French is muted to a few moans silenced by
With how many shivers can we reverse
time? Singular, now, I let my hand
scroll your body
surface in search for your name – does it matter?
When I had your aroma
by me, the warmness of your skin
in my hands, the flavor of your tongue, the wetness
of your vagina
bathing my brain

your head rested on my chest

and that was all.
© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2015

J'aime Suivre [mon] Coeur

J'aime Suivre [mon] Coeur

O sagrado alimenta-se
da vertigem da ignorância;
há que esmiuçá-lo!

A ignorância cresce
com o conhecimento, tornando-se
porém, menos inebriante

Criamos deuses
à nossa imagem – cruéis, generosos, piedosos, rancorosos
Depois, revestimo-los duma cera brilhante e colocamo-los
num altar, longínquo, inacessível, sagrado
Prostramo-nos diante deles
em sinal de respeito e

à espera de uma bênção ou
de um sinal benigno – ide, e a partir d'agora sede livres

A liberdade de uns
mete muito medo a outros

e o medo que esta possa afectar a fundação erguida
sobre o pavor de outros
aguça a vontade de


J'aime Suivre [mon] Coeur

That, that is sacred
nourishes with ignorance's vertigo;
ought to be scrutinized!

Ignorance grows
with knowledge, becoming
nevertheless, less inebriant

We create gods
after us - cruel, generous, pious, rancorous
Next, we coat them with fulgent wax and put them
on a sacred, recondite, aloof altar
We prostrate our selves
before them
of respect and

in readiness for a blessing or
a benign sign – go, from now on you shall be

The freedom of some
scares the bejesus out of the other

and the fear that she could hit the foundation erected
upon other's dread
sharpens the will for


© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

quarta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2015

Letter to my mother

Letter to my mother


I know you've been waiting
this letter, made no sense when
you left us, no words could ever undo

healing the gap that grew within
our house had you written
on walls, mirrors, blankets; even
tap water rustled your name

You know, that long night ended
as always, at dawn serenity flood the room
and after one last kiss, I laid on the floor
waiting it was time
to move further.

I'm blessed we
said everything to each other
during your last couple of months, whenever
you'd feel better I would listen to your
blood soothing each cell with peace
and love had us bounded

Our hearts had agreed
and accepted: we
were ready!

And so it seemed, but now
I realize I made you vanish into far
in order to survive
The Absence
clutching the mind – sharp, unpredictable,
irregularly insane.

After all these years, looking back
I regret not having let you
take a part of me as it should, but instead
craving for something new, a new
person was created.

Don't worry though, I'm
used and it's alright!

Mother, one last thing
I hope you and father are together
now and grandma, she was the last.

I promise to keep in touch.
Give them a kiss; for you

Your son.

© 2014, José Eduardo Coelho

terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2015

The Problem with Definitions

The Problem with Definitions

Up to some slam?
Download and get ready:

seeks the essence
of language
Language is a collection
of signs
communication is the art
of choosing the right signs, the ones that will produce the same
meaning both in source and
target Poetry questions the use and value
of each sign in
language Removes all language
formulates thoughts with words, before signs
To read
poetry, is to relearn
To write
poetry is to forget

Get acquainted with a new app
everyone wants
The Bordello of Signs

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2015




How can I write any more if
my eye dizzies each time
I come close to pressing the tip
of my finger
against the vermilion of
your nipple

Let's drive to the south
forget all about
daily human nitty-gritty – you say
and lick semi-hard ice cream, all
day long

I used to do it with
the ink of my pen, rubbing the full
length of the naked
paper, until
there was a flow of ideas
the rest
, then.

Can't do it! Won't work! I need
the sterile fruition of my pentium-made
reality, humming through flesh
and blood, now! – I say.


The amount of rubbish left
behind, after each Sunday market
is blown ungraciously into
trees, fields, the sea. No one
That is annoying and makes me

Through the opened window
the sound of the neighbor's TV
unleashes a midday breeze of
cruel destiny

How's the writing? – you ask. I
reach for your nipple.

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho

terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2015

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

It was a circular area, surrounded by white, beautiful walls. Above, nothing paled the blue sky, whatsoever...

the signs, no signs of you, though I could look beyond those regular abstractions, limiting, almost touching the idea that you could, would be there

you were in fact, there. The noise, the words, the meanings I keep forgetting and then the landscape of you opens inside of me as the noise alights on the space holding the dream I call me

before any reason, the ground subsides slowly or the walls I believed so firmly edified, bind their wings together and reach higher

this white caveat had me locked, but I felt no fear, nothing. Observing the smoothness of the surface, is just what it is, the lack of any rung, just a certainty of no escape...

it's still a circular area. Someone I think it's me is still there, inside. I listen to the noise as it crackles between moments of deafness – maybe I should switch it off.

© 2015, José Eduardo Coelho