segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2014

Confessions 2

Confessions 2

It all started with the postman
and his deliverable ideas:
an Eurasian junction
blended in the salt of wisdom
muddy wrinkles as exuberant as
and a Buddha

suspended from belief
meditating through my self
or neck, erroneously
balancing its serenity at
Sunday bollywood matinees

parched behind the big black screen
watching tigers evaporate tigers, elephants
loving women in their beautiful cholis
naked bellies and saris

of course there was my choice
[the postman never knew] my father

when I took the tram
when I stood by the basilica
when I sat hours listening

to terrible technical lectures
to the river in a wide disgorgement
to the mercury scale boiling

I was not thinking of him but
he was there with his ideas
absorbing my acts towards this
zest junction

Then the postman never came back
he disappeared

the tram, the basilica, the hours
became empty
there was no river, no lectures, no boiling
Traceless, feeble
I freed the tigers, the elephants, the women

I keep the letters in my life case

José Coelho, 2014

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