quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2014

Confessions 1 – a dialogue

Confessions 1 – a dialogue

Am I a writer?
So they asked me if I kept painting, I have no time, neither physical nor mental space, Don't you miss it, well yeah but this was the course of life and although I think of it, it's not as if I have waived it, it's still with me, keeps pouring every day, disguised, wearing the logic of certainties and haziness of language; They looked at me in oddness and I knew it was going to get worst.
Are you a writer now, Indeed... sort of, I sum up instructions on a Turing's machine, lines of code streaming out of my mind, spaghetti like, get evaluated and try passing the test. When they do, you can call me a writer!

© 2014, JC

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